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U1 Pair Showcase • 1 min read


A summary of all requirements met this unit


  • Added Game of Life, Snake, & a Calculator.
  • Spent a lot of time interacting and designing Snake.
    1. Adding Sound when getting food or dying
    2. Adding Different Themes
    3. Adding an Easter Egg when the score hits 20
    4. Utilizing WASD
    5. Much smoother and nicer design (snake faster, border wider, complementary colors, etc.)

Before & After

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  • Tool Setup
  • CSS Magic (show)
  • Jupyter Notebooks
  • Setup Games
  • Issues Setup
  • All About Tables (show)
  • Improving Snake (show)
  • Translator Magic (show)

Other Accomplishments

  • Journey into Technology Story
  • Added a translator for the website
  • Redirected all my plans into issues