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Issues Setup • 2 min read


How to set up github issues

Github Issues

Github Issues can be used in a variety of ways, and in the context of this website, it’s used to layout my plans for any given week with a simple checklist to keep track of my progress throughout the week. This guide will explain how to setup issues for a github repository.

Enabling and Adding an Issue

To begin adding issues to a github repository, the issues feature must be enabled first.

  1. Go to the repository in question example: yourname/student
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Scroll Down until you see the section Features
  4. Here, enable the feature called Issues

Now that the Issues feature has been successfully enabled, go to the Issues section of the repository. issue section

Here, press the button called ‘New Issue’ and start creating your first issue!


Title: Week [number] Plans

- [ ] Plan 1
- [ ] Plan 2
- [ ] Plan 3
- [ ] Plan 4
- [ ] Plan 5

### Summary of the Week
add a short summary of what was done over the week.